During mental health counseling sessions, I interweave traditional therapy practices with the energy healing technique of Reiki, and I am informed also by the ThetaHealing® and Pranic Healing techniques, as well as by learnings from my Shamanic studies. Please see the FAQ section for more on this. The goal of our time together is for you to deeply connect with the truth that you have everything inside of you that you need to be whole, happy, and thriving. Healing can come from within and this can be accomplished by deepening your spiritual connections and your connection to your true essence.

Trauma, negative self-talk, mental health conditions, and stress affect not only our minds, but also our body and spirit. Since they are intertwined, I believe that the path to healing best occurs when we address all aspects of ourselves. When you bring your mind, body, and spirit into alignment, healing on all levels can occur. You can experience lower stress and anxiety, release from past trauma, enhanced mental clarity, more confidence, manifestation of goals and dreams, a deeper sense of connection and compassion with others, and an increased overall well-being.

“We are not human beings having a physical experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The deeper our understanding that we are one with the universal life force energy, the more we are able to fully connect to our true selves and to others and live a more fulfilling life.

I serve Ages 16 and Older.


55 Minute In-Person Individual Counseling Session $135

55 Minute In-Person Couples Counseling Session $135

*Sessions Bundle: Three 55 Minute sessions: $375 (a savings of $30)

*The true benefits of being in counseling deepen as it progresses. It is, therefore, beneficial for you to commit yourself to the process. To assist with this, I offer this package if you would like to pay in bundles as you go. When choosing this option, schedule your first of the three appointments as “3 Session Bundle, $375.” Schedule your second session using the “2nd Bundle Session, $0” option, and schedule your third session using the “3rd Bundle Session, $0” option.